--God's peace is like a shaft of golden light shining continuously. During days of bright sunshine, it may blend in with your surroundings. On darker days, His peace stands out in sharp contrast to the surrounding circumstances. See times of darkness as opportunities for His light to shine in transcendent splendor. He is training us to practice peace that overpowers darkness. Collaborate with Him in this training. Do not grow weary and lose heart. --Sarah Young, author
3/24/2012 05:36:52 am

will come back before long

7/16/2012 03:23:28 am

Great info, thx


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    I'm a wife, mom, student, sister, daughter, employee, friend, and child of God--not necessarily in that order...I strive for balance and peace in the midst of the joyful (and at times not so joyful) chaos life brings.  When my sanity or sense of humor feels threatened I turn to chocolate!


    January 2014
    July 2012
    March 2012

