I don’t suppose I’m the only one whose children STILL argue over chores.  But it sure feels like it today.  My older two, who take turns cleaning the kitchen, could not come up with a “fair” distribution of the labor.  Usually one of them cleans the kitchen, and they switch off.  Tonight I couldn’t remember whose turn it was, and that sparked a lively debate with each side being very sure that it was not his or her turn.  So this was my solution:  tonight clean the kitchen together.  Well, now that sparked another debate about “fair.”  So I decided to up the ante a bit…from now on whoever cleans the kitchen has to get his or her job okayed by the other sibling. This leaves me completely out of the debate.  And teaches them to negotiate…which they were doing quite loudly tonight.  But it is just one more way I can relinquish control and teach them the fine art of accountability.  I’m not a very creative person normally, but parental desperation brings out the Van Gogh in me!  ;)
3/26/2012 08:59:24 am

will come back shortly


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    I'm a wife, mom, student, sister, daughter, employee, friend, and child of God--not necessarily in that order...I strive for balance and peace in the midst of the joyful (and at times not so joyful) chaos life brings.  When my sanity or sense of humor feels threatened I turn to chocolate!


    January 2014
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