Sometimes in the rush of the day, in life’s busy schedule, in the midst of trying to maintain some sort of structure and discipline, I forget.  I forget how special it is to be a mom.  I forget how great my kids are.  And how normal.

This weekend I was reminded how special my son, my middle child, is.  He went on his 8th grade retreat.  That alone was tough for me.  In less than one month I will have two high schoolers…it makes me feel old…and happy, excited, scared, sad, nostalgic…need I go on?  Anyway, the youth pastor asked that the parents write letters to their child.  He passed them out Saturday night.  As I wrote my letter, I thought of all the things I wanted him to know.  And all the things I thought he should learn before he grows up.  But the more I wrote, the more I began to think of all the things he’s taught me.  And sweet snapshots of his sensitive heart began to flood my mind.  It’s funny how the current frustrations melted away when I remembered him as a sweet, little, six-year-old sitting on our front steps with his Bible, sharing Jesus with a neighbor.

I pray that I remain sensitive to that as I parent these high school years.  I really can get caught up in grades, chores, and attitudes…and these things are important.  But truly, am I looking at my children’s hearts, the things they really need from me, the way God’s made and gifted them, and am I appreciating all the richness they bring to my life?  Because sometimes, I forget.

Lord, please, bring to mind what is truly important as I parent these precious children.

3/28/2012 01:32:31 am

THX for info


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    I'm a wife, mom, student, sister, daughter, employee, friend, and child of God--not necessarily in that order...I strive for balance and peace in the midst of the joyful (and at times not so joyful) chaos life brings.  When my sanity or sense of humor feels threatened I turn to chocolate!


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