I enjoyed a blog post this morning from a dear coworker.  With her permission I pass her wisdom on..."If you are like me, prone to stressing and fussing on Thanksgiving Day, pick out a bible verse and tuck it in your apron pocket so that you are ready for battle. And remember that your battle is not with the turkey, the oven, your husband, or sister...do not forget that Jesus will also be dining with us.  You see, we may be off from work and school on Thanksgiving day but Satan is definitely on duty – and yet, so is God!" --@Emily Fontenot.  I think Emily has a good mindset for us...Why are we making preparations?  Are we looking for praise and kudos?  Would our family prefer a simpler meal if that would ease the stress load of the holiday?  Let's enjoy our families and friends and approach Thanksgiving with thanksgiving...no, life might not be easy, and joy may be hard to find in the pain for some--let's be honest about that and sensitive to those needs, so that we can create a joy-filled atmosphere around us...this isn't about hyper-spirituality; it's about reaching out in acceptance and love to those around us in the midst of turkey, football, and pumpkin pie (or in Emily's case pecan pie... ;)  )  Bring it on!!! 
3/23/2012 02:11:17 pm

THX for info

7/12/2012 07:29:30 am

will come back shortly


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    I'm a wife, mom, student, sister, daughter, employee, friend, and child of God--not necessarily in that order...I strive for balance and peace in the midst of the joyful (and at times not so joyful) chaos life brings.  When my sanity or sense of humor feels threatened I turn to chocolate!


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